Tuesday 19 May 2015

Photoshop Edit- Evalaution

I did a comic stripe on how to edit a photo in photoshop which an image of Emma Watson been edited in to a zombie from the original Evil Dead film from 1981.

When I finished the project, I put it on padlet for my peers to make a comment on the comic stripe,  I looked at the comments, I agree and am happy with the comments made.

I think for me what went well was exploring new techniques in photoshop that i have never used before which has made my skills develop further and Editing the photo over all went well because the techniques I used to edit it I already had experience on how to use them.

What could of been improved from doing this project would have been to take screenshots of where in photoshop the tools to the techniques I used were as that of properly would of made it slightly easier for someone who doesn't know.

Monday 18 May 2015

Padlet Link-Photoshop Edit

This is my padlet link to my comic stripe on how to edit a photo in photoshop


I have looked at and I'm happy with some of the comments given on my photos. I feel the photos could of been better quality and I should improve that by trying to keep the camera focused.

Photoshop Tutorial: Step by Step

  1. I inserted the guide lines by clicking view, inserted each guide individually, fiddled with them to make each box the right size. 
  2. I copied and pasted each image into the boxes individually and scaled them to fit in the boxes correctly.
  3. Next I added text underneath indiviaual image and changed the size of peice of text to fit.
  4. I highlighted each individual piece of text and changed the colour to white.
  5. Lastly I then drew a big rectangle ove the image, went to edit and fill and then choose the colour black to put as the background.

Monday 11 May 2015

Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop step by step edit
found 2 images on the internet and uploaded it to photoshop.

I used the brush tool to change the colour of the face and neck to a dark green
 Next step was to colour the eyes white by still using the brush tool but changing the size of the brush.

Went to the second image and i used to use the lasso tool to circle the scars i wanted then depending on the size feathered the pixels small or bigger then copied and pasted them back on the first image.
 When pasted on the image i click edit on at the top then transform and scale to make the scar fit on any space of the face. I did that twice and put both scars at different places on the face.
 The scars are in place. I did the same thing again for the mouth but used the dodge tool to blend around the edge with the face.

Lastly I used the dodge tool again but to make the mouth lighter.

Monday 27 April 2015

Photoshop Examples

These are some examples of photos that have been uploaded and edited in photoshop

got these off the internet

Monday 20 April 2015

Arts Award Share- Planning


I'm going to create a short tutorial on how to upload a photo and edit on photoshop. It will be presented by screen shots showing a step by step tutorial which will be shown on blackboard for future students to learn from.

I'm starting to plan out simply what I am doing and the resources being used in this project,
Firstly the software I will is photoshop that is available on apple macs and pc's.
The hardware I will be using is apple macs, pc's, a printer.

  • I will need to start off by taking an image to put in to photoshop ready for editing
  • I will need to be able to save it as a PSD file (photoshop)
  • When I have finished workingon this project i would have to be able to save it as a JPEG file format.
  • It needs to look like professional quality.

This is the type of photo I'm going to take and edit in photoshop for my project.