Tuesday 19 May 2015

Photoshop Edit- Evalaution

I did a comic stripe on how to edit a photo in photoshop which an image of Emma Watson been edited in to a zombie from the original Evil Dead film from 1981.

When I finished the project, I put it on padlet for my peers to make a comment on the comic stripe,  I looked at the comments, I agree and am happy with the comments made.

I think for me what went well was exploring new techniques in photoshop that i have never used before which has made my skills develop further and Editing the photo over all went well because the techniques I used to edit it I already had experience on how to use them.

What could of been improved from doing this project would have been to take screenshots of where in photoshop the tools to the techniques I used were as that of properly would of made it slightly easier for someone who doesn't know.

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