Wednesday 25 March 2015

Photoshoot Evaluation

I think from doing this project I have learned how to keep a camera in focus, how to use continuous shooting mode on the camera itself.  I also feel I have improved my framing when using a DSLR camera and got a little experience of what it involves in being a fashion photographer and the elemets you have to think about.

I feel if I had more I would of took more of a variety of photos such as Urban photography, Which is photos took outside. Professional photos took in a photography studio where elemets like the lighting can be controlled. I would also use a variety of seasoned outfits on the models.  Im happy with the project and the photos overall.

Monday 16 March 2015

PhotoShoot-Best Ones

I feel these are the best ones because out of all of them these have the best focus, lighting, composition and framing.

Monday 2 March 2015


These are the photos I took for my arts award project and the photos that are rounded in red are the best out of all of them. I think the ones that a highlighted are the best because each one has good focus, lighting, and the models all look professional.