Monday 1 December 2014

Media BBC Newcastle Visit

   These are the lighting for the studio. They are over 150 lights which are going to be set in the same way for each show.                                        Its now all controlled by computers

This is the news TV presenter Colin Briggs giving us a summery on todays news. He has an audio que which is a scroll of the all the words he says and its controlled by a pedal with his foot

This is the BBC Newcastle TV studio. Its a big glass panel that can change the background for different TV shows.

We went to have a tour round BBC Newcastle.
We seen the BBC news room and met one of the news presenters Colin Briggs.
I think working at the BBC would be totally exhausting because of getting up early hours and working throughout the day. Staff work at the bottom and work their way up and they need qualifications.

I thought the visit was interesting but we could of seen more.
I would of wanted to see the editing suite.
I liked the feedback i was given by my peers
This is my padlet link for BBC Newcastle